2009.03.01. 09:59

News According to Mayflower Collage

Mayflower Collage kindly keeps sending me the most crucial news of the world. Let’s see the good ones:


  • -A lucky binman in the UK, who had a very merry Christmas, had to do a complicated jigsaw. Refuse collector Graham Hill found a large bundle of cut up £10 and £20 notes while emptying bins in Lincoln, England last May. He handed the bundle to police, but six months on nobody has claimed the money, and investigators have been unable to find any evidence that the cash was stolen – which means by UK law the bundle now belongs to Mr Hill! The Bank Of England has said that it will exchange all the notes for new ones if Mr Hill can piece the notes back together. The value of the money is £10,000.
  • -Intrepid Teddy-Bears, as four cuddly toy bears in special spacesuits were launched into space as part of a campaign to get children interested in science. The four bears were attached to a helium balloon and fitted with multiple cameras, a GPS receiver, a flight computer and a radio for the two-hour nine-minute flight. The bears were wearing spacesuits made by local schoolchildren as part of a project organised by the Cambridge University Spaceflight student club. The aim of the experiment was to find out which of the four spacesuits, each designed by a different group of students, best insulated the cuddly toys from the -53 degrees Celsius (-63 degrees Fahrenheit) temperatures. The mission was a roaring success, as after the spacewalk the bears landed only 50 miles from their launch site – a great improvement, as previous bears had ended up at the bottom of the Ocean!
  • -A woman who wanted an overdraft facility from her bank – and was given a new account limit of 84 million pounds!  The woman, from Gloucester, UK, who works with disabled teenagers and young people, was shocked to discover her new financial status after she requested a £50 extension a few days earlier.  She said: "I rang them up three days ago to ask if they could extend my overdraft by £50. I needed the overdraft because of the time - it was just before Christmas and I have to pay my car tax and MOT. But I was totally staggered when they then sent me a letter saying 'We are pleased to confirm that we have arranged an overdraft limit of £84,480,090.00 on your account’!



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