Present Simple:

1. Put the verbs in the right form.

We (hate) basketball.

They (go to bed) at ten?

When Tim (start) work?

He (not learn) in the afternoon.

You always (get up) at seven?

I (live) in Budapest.

Martha often (help) her father.

It often (snow) in winter?


2. Translate the sentences.

A családom külföldön él.

Nem szoktam korán kelni.

Mit csinálsz hétvégénként?

Mikor szoktál reggelizni?

Gyakran nézel TV-t?


Present Simple vs Continuous:

1. Fill the gaps:

When have dinner?

..............your father work at the weekends?

What ................she doing?

He ...............repairing the car. going to the park?

Where ...................he work?


2. Put the verbs in the right form.

What you (do)? Are you crazy?

She never (help) me with my homework.

You always (eat) fatty food in the evening?

Excuse me, but you (stnd) in my way. Can you move aside a bit?

We (go) to the sea every summer.

3. Make as many questions and negatives as possible.

-Jane is cooking dinner.

(pl: She isn't making dinner, she is doing her homework. Is she making dinner? What is she making?...)

-You are playing the piano.

-I usually have lunch at school.

-We read a lot of books in the holidays.

-My brother is taking care of the horses in the stable.





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